Friday, August 10, 2012

which doll is prettier? :)

Hey guys! Which doll do you guys like? I can't decide which one is prettier #42 or #55. Number 42 looks more like me, but I really like number 55's freckles!

 #42 :)

#55 :)
PLEASE comment and tell me! :)

XOXO, Ricki <3

Thursday, August 9, 2012

My VIP experience!!

Hey guys! I met BTR last week!! I am going to tell you all about it!


We were in line to go to our seats, I was so nervous but when they came out all the nervousness just went away! First they did a Q and A session I raised my hand to ask a question, but they didn't pick me (That's okay though!) someone asked Kendall what his favorite color was and he said green, the first song they sang was Music sounds better with U it was funny because they were singing music sounds better with GREEN lol. They asked a few more questions and then they sang Windows Down! I love that song:). Overall the soundcheck was AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!

Okay so we had to get in a line again but it was okay! I met some new friends!  I really wanted to hug Logan, but I didn't know how to ask him. I think Ranel was in a bad mood because he was like NO MORE HUGS OR KISSES OR I WILL REMOVE YOU FROM THE MEET AND GREET! It scared me a little haha I walked up to them and Logan just put his arms out and gave me the BIGGEST hug and he was like we're gonna hug in this picture and when he hugged me it was like the WORLD STOPPED like the song Nothing Even Matters lol ;) I got him a card last Valentines Day and I didn't get to meet him then, so I gave him it yesterday. The guy at the table said to leave the card at the table and he will give it to him and to tell Logan I got him a card so I did and he was like Ok I will read it after :) I love Logan so much! Yesterday was the BEST birthday ever! 

XOXO Ricki ♥ ♥

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Hey everybody! American Girl FINALLY shared a picture of the NEW doll coming out Caroline Abbott! She is soooo pretty! I love her long curly hair, and her pink outfit! Pink is my favorite color :)

Do YOU like her? What  did you think she was going to look like?
Leave me a comment and tell me!

P.S. I will make a new post about my BTR concert experience! :)

XOXO, Ricki :)